Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Very Nutritious

I have found that since I became a vegetarian, I have become a way better eater. My family has gotten healthier foods, as I have been more aware of things I purchase. When you don't eat meat, you have to make sure you get your proteins and such from other sources. I am particularly careful about that because I am breastfeeding, and have a small toddler that I want to make sure he gets all his vitamins and nutrients. We have also been eating lots more whole grains, including whole wheat flour for my baking needs. A good breakfast idea for a little one is a whole wheat waffle with natural peanut butter on it (peanut butter made with nothing but peanuts). Fantastic foods also makes this taco filling that is really good. It's in a purple box, and you can find it in a lot of grocery stores at health food stores. I have also found that I like soy ice cream. I have toyed with the idea of just cutting out dairy, but I don't know what I would do about cheese. I like soy milk, at least we have tried the chocolate soy milk before, and we have liked that. I also know of various things that can replace eggs, but with cheese it is a different story. I use cheese a lot in our meals, and although I know there is soy cheese out there...I don't know if I can find it here easily, if it's too expensive, or if it even tastes good. Does anyone have suggestions on the issue? Also, there is my son to think about. He starts preschool on Monday, and I don't think the cook would be very happy with me if we became vegan. They already know we are vegetarians. There is actually one other vegetarian in the preschool, a Hindu boy, but his mom makes his lunch. I guess I could do that for Ty. Speaking of Ty, I have to's story time at the library today and none of us are ready. It's my last time taking him for a while since I start back school on Monday.


Blogger Mommy of Four said...

Not sure what to tell you on the cheese issue. Only Dane really eats the stuff here. And we only get it because WIC pays for it for us...but we have to get only the cheese they tell us we're allowed to get. Up until a few months ago, they wouldn't even let us buy low-fat cheese! That was aggrivating! Does your vegan magazine tell you anything about cheese replacement?

By the experiment this morning: flax oil in my coffee with vanilla creamer = super yummy vanilla/nutty taste! And I get 1/2 of my dose of omega 3's while enjoying my coffee!

8:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We are dairy free and use minimal soy products. I'm not convinced that soy is all that good for you. But I feel comfortable using it in moderate amounts.
My favorite soy brand would be Tofutti. Their plain cream cheese is divine (way better than regular). They also have cheese blocks, slices, and shredded too. There is also rice cheese. Or goat cheese. I've tried to do the goat cheese thing a few times but find it tastes too 'goaty' (if that makes sense).
I find that soy cheese translates fine for cooking and melting purposes. However, I wouldn't eat it 'raw' - but then again I don't do that with regular cheese really.
I find the soy cheese isn't so great raw, but my daughter LOVES it.

Here is a site that lists some alternatives to dairy

We also have a few brands up here that I'm sure are only Canadian and also mainstream brands that make amazing 'dairy free' products.

They are more expensive, but you just have to know how much of a particular item you will use so there isn't any waste. (you can also freeze soy cheese) And of course you make the appropriate sacrifices and adjustments to your grocery budget just the same as you would for eating organically.

I've managed to keep our grocery budget the same while incorporating the changes (about 3 years ago). If I can do can me. I'm notorious around here for my low grocery budget.

If you want more tips on how to make it realistically happen ,send me your email address.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Mommy of Four said...

So, I was at the grocery store tonight, and I found veggie cheese! They come in all the normal flavors, too! Pepper jack, swiss, name it! I was shocked! It was $2.99 for 12 slices. I found it over by the salads and brussel sprouts.

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad Kristi brought up the issue of whether soy is really good for you. Please do some research. I was alarmed at what I found a while back. Soy is way too high in estrogen - like 450 times the amount we should have in our bodies. As you can imagine, that would lead to all kinds of problems related to seriously imbalanced hormone levels, especially in children, who are still developing. It's scary to think of what the future price may be for the major "health" food of the 21st century! Just trying to help!

7:58 PM  
Blogger Maria Purviance said...

wow. that is shocking. my mother-in-law said she heard of a research that said people who eat a lot of tofu later in life have a good chance of suffering from memory loss. i don't know if it's true or not..but i will do some research. we don't eat lots of soy stuff. tofu sometimes, soymilk sometimes but not too much.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Mommy of Four said...

Actually, I was just reading in my First magazine, that new studies that said if given in decent steady amounts, just before puberty, it cuts their chances of cancer later in life in half. But if consumed frequently in older age (past middle-age) you actually INCREASE your risk for cancer. I personally, don't feed mu kids soy. If they're really nagging about wanting french fries, tofu fries are a better substitute. But they have it so rarely, it just doesn't really concern me...

Have you ever tried rice milk? REALLY yummy. My kids love it. Well, at least Jadon does (or DID). We tried it with him back when we had to eliminate dairy to see if he had an allergy to it. It's not terribly expensive either. We always bought Rice Dream in vanilla.

8:45 PM  

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