Thursday, December 28, 2006

Here are a couple pictures from when we were in omaha.

Here with Santa....I wasn't going to get a santa picture..but we ran into him.

Tyler and his aunt Nik

Bling bling....yeah, he's cool.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

so apparently tyler decided sleeping six and seven hours a night is not for him and went back to four...sometimes even going back to two 1/2 to three...oh well...guess i got too happy too soon. maybe someday.......until then......

Thursday, December 21, 2006

tyler slept seven hours last night. way cool....hope it lasts.

Monday, December 18, 2006

my kid is cute...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

-Tyler had his two month appointment today. All is well. He is 11lb 1oz, 23 3/4 in. long, and I forgot how big his head is but he is on the lower end of the chart with that. He doesn't have a big head. That is actually a relief for me because there is this baby at my church that has a BIG head. Man, the kid, it's just big. Anyway, Tyler also had to get four shots today. When the nurse stuck him with the needle...his eyes got really big..and then he screamed..and screamed...needless to say, he didn't like it.
-I think I put commas in places that don't need them. And when I type...I hate making caps. I rather have everything lower case.
-I got Tyler's christmas present exersaucer...and we will probably break down and give it to him before Christmas. He doesn't know anyway...right?
-I am pretty much done Christmas shopping. Sweet.
-I was out today and I had to go to the bathroom..and not just tinkling either...I didn't go...I don't like going in public bathrooms unless I HAVE to. It's defenatly better than using a sqatty potty...that has bugs the size of a cat in there...uggg...those days were great.
-I have been eatting too much junk food these past two weeks or so. I have been craving it. I don't know why but I need to stop. I already can't exercise much cuz of Tyler...not that I need to lose weight..but I just feel better when I exercise and don't eat like crap. but..mmmmmm....junk food.
-My dog is driving me crazy..he barks too much...sometimes I wish I had a cat instead and I don't even like cats. I do like my dog when he can get enough exercise..then he is good.
-I miss my pet rat....she was a good rat.
-I am sick of cold weather....although I just got a sweet new coat and I like wearing it. I want to go wear it on the beach..where I can be really warm...and then take it off and go swimming! I can take it off all dramatic too..cuz who wears coats to the beach?
-I think I am going to go and drink a coke and eat some junk now. Forget being healthy for now.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So Tyler and I were sitting on the couch today, waiting for Ellen to come on (we love that show..she is sooo funny). Anyway, Tyler was super happy. He was smiling and cooing and just grinning from ear to ear. It was pretty funny. Well, after about five minutes of this I finally realized that Tyler had a poopy diaper, and to top that off it was running down his leg and all over his pants. So what I thought was Tyler loving mommy time and thinking I was the greatest, turned out to be Tyler thinking his poo was funny and I guess enjoying the fact that it was all over him. I guess mommy is just not as funny as I think I am. Too bad. Maybe one day Tyler will think I am as funny as his poo is.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Do you think it's possible to hold your baby too much?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

We are getting our Christmas tree tonight! I am so excited. I love decorating for Christmas...and we have snow on the really feels like Christmas....SO FUN!!!!!