Sunday, April 29, 2007

What do you guys think of postmodernism and the emergent church?

Friday, April 27, 2007

I put a couple new pictures of Tyler on his link...check them out..he's a cutie

Friday, April 20, 2007

Cool Jade pavilion...Inside the Chinese Scholars garden

This picture is awesome

Monday, April 16, 2007

the other day i went to target. as i was being rung up, i noticed that my bill was less than i thought it was going to be. so when i got in the car, and we started to drive away, i looked at my receipt. the lady had not rung up one of my items. we didn't go back. so that brings me to my question. would you go back and tell the lady her mistake? i didn't really feel the need to, i felt she had made the mistake, and we were in a hurry to get somewhere. if i had noticed it in the store, then i would have said something. but being in the car and away from the store i didn't bother. what would you do? so that got jess and i talking and i asked him if he found some money on the floor in a store and no one was around it, so you had no idea who's it was, would you keep it? ten, twenty, or even one hundred dollars. doesn't matter how much. would you keep it our turn it in? i said i would keep it if i didnt know who it belonged to...jess said he would turn it in. what would you do in that situation?

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I got a sweet mountain bike tonight. can't wait to ride it.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

i'll tell you what sucks..the fact that we got snow last night. the cold front was stupid enough..but then snow had to come back into it. i am sick of this cold weather...i want my warmth back.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

so how do you guys deal with those people who call and try to sell you something or do a survey with you? i got one of those calls tonight. i usually just hang up right away, but i thought i would try to be nice. well, i guess i was trying to be nice. i was just more like, um..i don't know..but i'm not interested...and then they were going to ask me something else and i just hung up. i don't have time for that crap. i was studying anyway. so i was just wondering if you guys just hang up like i do or you do just humer the poor soul and chat with them? and who the crap would want a job like that anyway.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Here is a list of very random things going on in my life right now...none of it at all interesting to you probably...but it is anyway.

-failed my muscle test
-need to do well on my nervous system test on saturday
-have WAY too much school work this week
-my in-laws get back in the country at the end of this month
-tyler had his six month check-up today..he is great
-tyler hates avocados
-made some new recipes which was creamy banana to make
-we owe $200 to kansas state taxes(yeah, that's right..jess waited until now to do them)
-we owe $7 to missiouri state taxes(really, why do they bother?)
-our bronco broke last week..needed new water pump...$268.
-i hate money
-i allow too many things to bother me
-can't wait until i can get out in my garden to work..we are planting a vegtable garden this year
-this cold front is killing my flowers and i hate it
-i am tired and i am going to bed.

Monday, April 09, 2007

today is my two year anniversary. i love my husband.