Saturday, June 30, 2007

so here i am. sometimes i feel like my life just passes by and i am not in any way doing anything to benifit anybody..or anything for that matter. i think i can be a very discontent person. i always want what is not. not always, but i have found myself to be that way. i think it mostly is just all about the unrest in my soul. i always feel like there is more, which there is, but it makes me uneasy...or unhappy...or, well, i really don't know the word i am looking for. whatever. i don't feel very close to God. i don't know what i am trying to say so i am going to shut up now. have a good night.

Monday, June 25, 2007

so my poor little booger got his elbow dislocated..well, actually a ligament in his elbow got dislocated and he wouldn't use the thing! so we had to take him to urgent care last night and have the doctor put it back in he is as good as new. it's so sad when your kid gets hurt or sick.

Monday, June 18, 2007

i just want to say that time warner cable has had sucky service lately. i have been very unsatisfied with them. from our internet not working at times to our cable being out (because apparently someone cut the cord??) whatever...i am not happy with them..and if i could see one of those operater people who are never any help..i would give them one mean look.